The energy of December 2022
Different for everyone
The month of December means Christmas and New Year’s Eve! And for the Dutch also Sinterklaas! ๐ And the Netherlands takes it another step further by celebrating a 2nd Christmas day. For one the most wonderful time of the year, for the other a source of irritation because of the many ‘obligations’, and for yet another a time when the loss of deceased loved ones is felt more strongly. Well, it is clear: December is a month with many different emotions and different for everyone.
It’s all okay
Perhaps you prefer to withdraw yourself during this period. It’s all okay. It’s good to give each other space and freedom in that. December doesn’t have to be or become a month of obligatory rituals. It is also a time of closure, processing old things and perhaps making new plans. It is a month in which the old year with the old energies is completed and we are being prepared for a new year full of new energies. And that can be felt!
Collective and individual process
In addition, we as a collective (and therefore also individually) have entered a unique process the past few years. A process in which we increasingly come to the understanding that the unconscious way of living (which we have lived for years) no longer works for now and that it is time for change. This process has been going on for some time, but has accelerated in recent years. In this time we have largely started to let go of our old way of life and this can feel very unpleasant. As a result, you can sometimes have days when you feel inexplicably heavy or down. What you feel then can be your own individual process, but also the collective process. Because although we are in a collective process, we all live through our own individual process in that as well. And that process is unique for everyone.
The December energy
And now also December with its energies has come around the corner. The month of closing the old and preparing for renewal. One may experience a boost of energy, while the other may feel unable to move forward. Know that you are not alone in this. Many things can be released this month that may not feel very pleasant; emotions, memories, pain, loss, etc. And this can give a shaky and insecure feeling. Stay close to yourself and feel what you need in this. Give yourself some extra time, rest, space and love. However unstable and shaky you may feel in the process and perhaps especially this month, know that we are building a very special new era. We have come to earth at this time with a unique mission. And you don’t have to do anything “special” for that, other than just being here. Close to yourself.
Stay close to yourself and feel what you need in this. Give yourself some extra time, rest, space and love.
Give and allow each other space
Therefore, give and allow each other the space that everyone needs. Friends, family, but also the people at work. Be there for each other, support each other and respect the path we all personally go through in this. And if someone asks for time and space for themselves, don’t take it personally. Know that this is essential for the process that we go through as a collective and therefore individually. Connection with each other is important, but so is giving each other space. Even if it is December, the month of the holidays, let everyone choose how to spend it. Together, or rather alone. Everything in this is okay.๐
A new year
The year 2022 was an energetically intense but amazing year for us. The year in which we started Magick Life and this still feels so great! We are extremely grateful for what 2022 has brought us and we look forward to 2023! In the new year we hope to meet and support many people in their magical life here on earth.
We wish you an amazing end of 2022 and a magical 2023. In the company of others or in the company of yourself, choose whatever feels right for you. Enjoy! ๐งก