The oneness with animals
‘Crown of Creation’?
We humans often still (unconsciously) have the idea/belief that we rule over the animals. That we are above them. And that is what religion, among other things, has dropped into our programming. “We humans are the Crown of Creation,” is what we often heard in the Christian world.
“A little arrogant? No, why would you think that? They have to work for us, produce for us. Preferably 24/7. Nonstop. Make money for us and do what we say. And when they don’t do this (anymore) or they are ‘done’? Then just slaughter them, it doesn’t matter how because they don’t have feelings anyway.” Wow.
Humanity has formed a pyramid idea of creation; who is above whom, who has the most to say, who rules over whom. And of course humans have put themselves at the top of that pyramid; “the more power the better, right?” With that, people have been justifying their disrespectful and violent way of dealing with the animal kingdom for years. Arrogance and superiority, humanity has been very good at that for years. Unfortunately.
Love for animals
Angela has always felt a tremendous love for animals and never understood this way of thinking. When she looked at animals, she did see feelings, wisdom, a soul, a being. It did not resonate with her that (as the church used to say) animals have no souls, go nowhere after death, disappear into nothingness. The more we think about it, the more insane we find this way of thinking. Yet we are taught this. And many (as we say that in Dutch) ‘take it like sweet cake’. Because somehow we think it’s a nice idea; to be better than something or someone else, to be above it as a ruler and to exercise power over (a part of) creation, albeit in an unhealthy and unloving way.
In recent years, the love for animals has only increased, also within Jan. We became more and more aware of how our dear animal friends are treated on this planet. How they and Mother Earth suffer because of this mistreatment, abuse and exhaustion.
Communicating with nature
We have been communicating with the spiritual world for years, but consciously communicating with nature and with animals is something we have become very interested in in recent years and we delved more into that. And dear people, we hope that everyone can discover this for themselves, because what an enormous mind-blowing wisdom comes from our dear fellow earthlings. And their unconditional love is truly humbling!
Masters they are. In love, in wisdom, in trust, honesty, purity and patience.
Nature communicates with us, the animal kingdom communicates with us. In very creative and loving ways. Open your heart to this, and discover the richness in it.
Equally valuable
Let this World Animal Day bring us a greater awareness in the way we treat the animals and creation as a whole. That each person experiences more and more love, respect and honor for everything around them. Everything you see, everything you encounter is a reflection of yourself. A unique expression of the All That Is. Also the animals. With the same wisdom and the same power that you have. Nothing and no one is above the other. We are equal, we are one. EVERYTHING and ALL equally valuable.
Oh, and if you believe in the creation story of the Bible, just remember if you will who in that story were last put here on earth; humans. 😉 We are allowed to live here, with THEM. Not the other way around. According to the story of the Bible, they were here first, not us. Maybe it’s a good idea to stop and think about that a little more often.