To ask for help
Fighting your own battles
To ask for help. It can be so difficult sometimes. In our current society we are taught that we have to be able to fight our own battles and to stand on our own feet. Nothing wrong with that in itself, right? True. Although…
To ask for help with ‘everyday chores’ or a move, yes we can do that. But what if you’re not feeling okay inside or you’re having financial challenges? Then it is often a different story.
Strength or weakness
The underlying idea that makes it difficult to ask for help is generally that asking for help is seen as a weakness and we think it’s a sign of failing. We are ashamed and afraid. Afraid that others will see us as pitiful and incapable, that we are failing when we get to this point where we can’t go on without asking for help.
We feel shame because we think we have done something wrong. In our view we should have done better, should have known better and we keep talking ourselves down. What a mix of emotions you can feel when you reach this point. And if you don’t do anything about this, you will quickly end up in a downward spiral.
Six months ago we got stuck ourselves and were more and more approaching the point where we needed to ask someone for help. Until the last moment we persisted in not doing this. “Asking for help? No way! We are not going to burden someone else with our situation. Never.”
We felt responsible for our own situation and therefore certainly did not want to be a burden to others. “Everyone has their own struggles, so we will not burden others with ours too!” However, we knew we had to do it and deep down we also knew who was willing to help us. But what a resistance we encountered within ourselves in this area. Fear, insecurity, vulnerability, the feeling of failing. Emotions and thoughts that we had to do something with and we started to work on. And once we had taken the step, it turned out not to be so bad and help was quickly provided.
An important point for us was the moment when we admitted to ourselves and each other that the fact was that we needed to ask for help. We couldn’t ignore it anymore and there were only 2 options left for us: just ask and then see what happens, or make it even more difficult for ourselves with all the consequences. When we asked our guides for help about the situation, it remained remarkably silent. It soon became clear to us that the situation contained a valuable lesson for us; asking for help is courageous, powerful, and certainly not a sign of weakness or failing. Seeing and believing this for someone else sometimes seems easier than when it comes to yourself. But once you get through this, and discover the courage within yourself, it’s quite an empowering moment.
Asking for help is courageous, powerful, and certainly not a sign of weakness or failing.
Because what if the Universe helped you to come to this point, to overcome these emotions and thoughts about yourself. To transform this. Which makes not only you but also others see that to ask for help is actually very courageous. A sign of strength and love for yourself!
Do you experiencing fear?
We experience fear to ask for help because we as people started to live more and more separated from ourselves, each other and our environment. Deep down you can feel that it is important that we are there for each other and can love each other unconditionally. Our essence asks for connection with each other and then sometimes obstacles have to be overcome.
But who do you ask for help?
There are plenty of people you can ask for help; after all, there are billions of us here on the planet. Yet it is always good to keep feeling inside who you most want to ask for help. Do this to the one(s) to whom your heart leads you. Whether these are professionals, friends or family. Who you will ask for help doesn’t really matter as long as it feels right to you. Let yourself be guided in this and trust your intuition.
Do it!
Once you’ve taken the step, a weight is lifted off your shoulders. To ask for help and to talk about your challenges is a giant step in itself. Go for it! You can do it! You are not alone. There are plenty of people on our beautiful planet who are ready and standing with open arms to guide you in your journey. We are in this together! 😊