What is your passion?
What is your passion? What makes your heart sing? These are questions we all ask each other and ourselves from time to time. However, after coming up with the answers to these questions, the limiting ideas often also come up that prevent us from doing what we actually want. We come up with all kinds of excuses to avoid following our passion and why it is better to keep everything as it is.
Language of the soul
However, passion is the language of the soul, the language of the heart. Another word for passion in Dutch is ‘hartstocht’ (meaning: hearts journey). And that word actually says it all; it is the journey that the heart (our core) wants to make here; the path we deep down actually want to walk. Passion and enthusiasm are signposts that help us take the path that our Deepest Self would like to experience here on earth.
Passion and enthusiasm are signposts
that help us take the path that our Deepest Self would like to experience here on earth.
To dare
The only question is, “Do we dare to follow our passion?”. Because after thinking about these questions, our survival program comes up with all kinds of reasons why it’s better not to do this. All kinds of reasons to stay where we are, because that feels safe and familiar. And it can sound quite convincing, leading many to hold themselves where they are and never dare to trust the voice within them.
The golden rule
The golden rule of the Universe in this is that you follow your passion without any further expectation of HOW exactly the outcome should look like next. So follow your passion, your highest enthusiasm, but let go of the further outcome. The consequences of following your heart don’t always have to feel positive. And that’s okay too. You only help yourself by letting go of control over the further details. And trust that if you need to do anything else, this will automatically become clear to you from within.
The consequences
That following your heart only brings happy vibes all the time is not always the experience for many people. At the moment we are still dealing with people who like to live in separation and do not wish each other the success or happiness. What you might notice is that certain people will feel very intimidated if you start following your heart. Your enthusiasm puts them in a position where they can feel very uncomfortable and where jealousy rears its head. They will not support you and that entails all kinds of emotions. We also have extensive experience with that. Don’t let this stop you. You are allowed to be here the way you are with whatever passion you have. Don’t judge these people, they are allowed to act the way they want as well. But choose consciously with whom you want to surround yourself. People who support you or people who like to see you fail. This is also a process, but know that this will only make you stronger and even better at discerning and listening to your inner voice.
Do you know what you want?
Yet there are people who have absolutely no idea where their passion lies. And maybe you feel this way too. This can be for all kinds of reasons, but the biggest one is really insecurity. The self-doubt, the questions about who you actually are and what you are doing here are important points that you are probably running into. If we may guide you in this, be sure to let us know. We would love to help you get in touch with your deepest core so that you can live a passionate life!