Why do I feel what I feel?
Feeling and processing
Feeling and processing your emotions. You need to have the guts for that in this world. From a very young age we are taught which emotions are acceptable and which are not. And so we adapt to that. We learn for ourselves which ones feel good and which ones feel uncomfortable. And we do our best to avoid those uncomfortable ones. We suppress them. With all its consequences. And at Magick Life we are very well known with what those consequences are.
Ignoring the signs
When emotions can’t flow through you properly, they get stuck in your system. Your energetic body, your soul, your Deepest Self will try to warn you when this is the case. But if you are not in good contact with your inner self, you will probably not receive and/or even ignore the signs and signals.
The last ‘stop’
The very last ‘stop’ of the stuck emotions and energies is: your physical body. The pressure becomes too much and physical complaints are the result. Your body can no longer sustain it and must warn you, must start sending signals in the hope that you will now see that the energies cannot flow properly. It wants to wake you up to start working with your emotions and the energies, so that everything can flow again.
Your body speaks
Our physical body has its own consciousness and can communicate with us. But because we weren’t taught this, many don’t realize that experiencing physical symptoms is our body’s way of getting our attention. Its way of speaking to us. And the body is wise. Because where the physical complaints will settle, how this manifests itself through the body, is often packed with clues for us to find out what the cause actually is.
What we believe and the way we see the world and ourselves determines how we feel.
Thinking and believing
And the cause of it is often in our way of thinking. Because what we believe and the way we see the world and ourselves determines how we feel. And this can considerably vary from person to person. What makes one person happy, may arouse anger in another. If we don’t start to examine our way of thinking and believing and work on ourselves, but instead keep pushing and ignoring all the (uncomfortable) emotions, sooner or later we will start to feel the consequences. Literally.
Our experience
A lot has come to the surface in our lives the last few years. Burnout, old injuries came back; our bodies couldn’t take it any longer. We had to take a deep look at ourselves in the mirror and change our way of thinking. We have come to understand what emotions are, how to deal with them, how to change the way you experience them and how we actually work as human beings.
And with this knowledge and experience, we can help you. Bring clarity. Give insight into who and what you actually are, why you feel what you feel and what you can do with it.
A healthy life
Deep down, we all want a healthy life, both mentally and physically. Then establishing a healthy relationship with your emotions is one of the first things you will need to develop. And at Magick Life, we know how.
We are ready to guide you
Do you experience fear, anger, or other (for you) ‘unpleasant’ emotions? Do you have physical complaints and would you like to take a closer look at yourself and see why your body says what it says? Or have you become curious about our story and do you also want to learn more about emotions and how to deal with them? Then be sure to visit us! We are ready to guide you.